When Texas couples take their marriage vows, they expect it to last. Unfortunately, the divorce rate is very high in the state and the entire country. These are some common reasons why this is so.
Lack of commitment
Marriage means two people have committed to one another. However, if one person has shown a significant lack of commitment to the other, it can break down the relationship and lead to divorce.
Extramarital affairs
Breaking the bonds of trust by having an extramarital affair is a huge factor that results in a couple divorcing. There are many reasons why the spouse who cheats does so, but regardless of the reason, it can irretrievably break down the marriage. Few spouses can stand the idea of the person they love being intimate with someone else.
Disputes over finances
Many married couples find that they are incompatible when it comes to financial matters. If spouses constantly find themselves fighting over how much one person spends, debts or being cheap, it can lead to hard feelings and other problems. Disputes over finances rank as one of the biggest reasons why married couples end up in divorce court.
Domestic violence
Any form of domestic violence at the hands of one spouse to another is a common reason for divorce. When couples make their wedding vows, they agree to love, honor and cherish; nowhere in those vows is it even implied that abuse is acceptable.
Lack of communication
The inability to communicate with a spouse is another major reason people end up divorcing. Whether it involves difficulty actually speaking with your spouse or something bigger like not sharing values such as having children, it could damage a marriage.
Divorce is difficult, but many of these reasons warrant ending a marriage.